Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hangover Square - post III

The introduction of a friend provides a chance for Bone to concoct a trip to Brighton with Netta just as a couple. So it is with real disappointment when he goes to meet her at the station she is accompanied by two men and is blind drunk.

The tragedy here is that when left on his own Bone goes off and plays golf and is able to dream of a normal post Netta and alcohol life. But when he meets Netta he crumbles. She takes his money, blatantly asking for £15, and then slaps him in the face when she turns up drunk and she then causes embarrassment in the hotel.

Bone is left by them in Brighton and his thoughts about killing Netta have now expanded to killing her lover Peter. But he dumb moods, when his mind clicks, are getting worse as he wanders along the south coast and the chances are that even if he doesn’t kill Netta he wouldn’t be able to remember.That along with his tendency to say whatever is required to please is a dangerous combination.

He keeps making plans and then putting them off but this time he might actually do something armed with his golf club he paid for in Brighton.

More tomorrow…