The story is getting slightly bogged down with the social world of the little group that attend the Verdurin's meet-ups on Wednesdays.
Bullet points from pages 915 - 969
* The group of the faithful travel by train to the Verdurins, who are renting a property for the season from the Cambremer's, and are joined by Charlus and his latest conquest the violinist Morel
* Morel speaks to Marcel and begs him not to mention that his father was merely a valet for his Uncle and instead asks him to pretend his father ran all of the estates for his Uncle
* The interaction between the group is probably meant to be dull because it makes you realise what limited social company the Verdurin's must have been but despite that Marcel is still hanging in there
* His mother lets it slip that there are expectations that he might actually marry Albertine which doesn't get her approval or disapproval but she does say that she believes he can do much better
More of the remaining 200 pages tomorrow...