Friday, August 28, 2009

The Red House - post I

When i was kindly sent The Red house a thriller published by Vintage Classics penned by A.A. Milne the first reaction was surprise. Not having any knowledge that the author of Winnie the pooh had written a thriller it was at first a surprise.

But after an introduction by the author himself that explains part of the problem with having a public idendity linking you to one particularl type of writing he gets into a decent triller.

Starting with an upstairs and downstairs feel as the story of the unwelcome brother returning aftr an absence of 15 years you don't have to wait long for the sound of a shot, a locked door and a dead body on the other side.

Obviously this has a dated feel because it is set in a different era but in terms of engaging the reader Milne hooks you in pretty quickly and has a style where he makes asides to the reader sharing certain details about the importance of a character before ploughing on with the story.

more soon...