Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Fugitive - post III

At last the focus moves away from Albertine and the memory of her and the lustful attentions of Marcel move on and he re-enters society

Bullet points from pages 540 - 610

* Marcel is still trying to put the pieces of the jigsaw together to work out quite how much of a lesbian Albertine was so he asks her best friend Andree if she has those tastes and the answer in the affirmative disturbs him but he believes her when she says Albertine didn't share her tastes

* The mood changes and Marcel notices three girls and one catches his eye and he tries to find out who she is and is initially given the wrong information but knows that the girl is coming to visit Madame de Guermantes so he plans to visit on the same day

* His article is finally published in The Figaro and the enjoyment he gets from seeing his byline and the way he imagines how people he knows will react to seeing it is something that as a journalist I can completely relate to

* When he visits to discover who the girl is it turns out to be Gilberte who has changed her name from Swann after being adopted by Forcheville and inherited a large fortune and is distancing herself from her father's memory

* The saddest thing is that she is only being adopted in society because she joins in with the general mood to crush her fathers memory because of the anti-semitism that is raging through society

The questions you are left asking are whether or not his old feelings for Gilberte will be stirred by seeing her again for the first time in years? Let's wait and see tomorrow...