The moment when the salmon arrive in the desert gets closer and as it does there is a revived interest from the prime minister. Meanwhile this seems to be a story not so much about love but the influence of the power of faith. If you believe in something then the power of the prospect of it becoming real can start to change your life.
In the case of Dr Jones it is not just putting his work life into context but also his marriage as for the first time probably since he married his wife he is too busy and focused on his own world to notice her.
The shift in styles continues with diary entries being interspersed with Hansard quotes and letters written forlornly by Harriet to her dead fiancé. It forces you to concentrate and makes it far from clear what will happen next. Because of the previous interrogations in some sort of select committee or judicial investigation you just know that things are going to go wrong sometime very soon.
More soon…