My brother kindly sent me this bookmark after he visited the home of Washington Irving writer of the legendary Sleepy Hollow. It is a very traditional bookmark and along with the first day cover he kindly sent made a great little set. The reason for posting now is not only that they were uncovered in a little bit of a tidy up but also because it seems appropriate with Johnny Depp being everywhere at the moment. The amount of publicity for Sweeny Todd is at its height right now. But he was also fantastic in Sleepy Hollow, another Tim Burton film. Of course without Irving that film would have not been made and Mr Depp would not have been so famous so it all ties in together with the choice of bookmark of the week.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
bookmark of the week
My brother kindly sent me this bookmark after he visited the home of Washington Irving writer of the legendary Sleepy Hollow. It is a very traditional bookmark and along with the first day cover he kindly sent made a great little set. The reason for posting now is not only that they were uncovered in a little bit of a tidy up but also because it seems appropriate with Johnny Depp being everywhere at the moment. The amount of publicity for Sweeny Todd is at its height right now. But he was also fantastic in Sleepy Hollow, another Tim Burton film. Of course without Irving that film would have not been made and Mr Depp would not have been so famous so it all ties in together with the choice of bookmark of the week.