This bookmark was picked up while browsing in Bath library. The series of pictures including Stonehenge and some Roman mosaic is to get you to flip over and read about applying to carry out some part-time study in archaeology at the University of Bristol. A great bookmark to get you thinking about digging up the past and not the usual run of the mill paper mass photocopied slips of paper that academic institutions hand out under the description of bookmarks.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
bookmark of the week
This bookmark was picked up while browsing in Bath library. The series of pictures including Stonehenge and some Roman mosaic is to get you to flip over and read about applying to carry out some part-time study in archaeology at the University of Bristol. A great bookmark to get you thinking about digging up the past and not the usual run of the mill paper mass photocopied slips of paper that academic institutions hand out under the description of bookmarks.