This is one of the many bookmarks that get handed out at US libraries. They are often more colourful than this one but it resembles the majority in that it contains an encouraging motto. It was heartbreaking to hear on the radio the other day an eleven year-old boy talk about his love of bedtime stories then admit that as a result he gets bullied over it at school. Those who see reading as somehow a losers activity should maybe take heed from the words on this bookmark.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
bookmark of the week
This is one of the many bookmarks that get handed out at US libraries. They are often more colourful than this one but it resembles the majority in that it contains an encouraging motto. It was heartbreaking to hear on the radio the other day an eleven year-old boy talk about his love of bedtime stories then admit that as a result he gets bullied over it at school. Those who see reading as somehow a losers activity should maybe take heed from the words on this bookmark.