On the review front there will be reviews posted of The High Window by Raymond Chandler and A Sentimental Education by Gustave Flaubert.
In terms of the reading for the week. The aim will be to finish off the Age of Reason and also start a fresh lunchtime read.
On a trip to the library yesterday I picked up some more J.D Salinger and on the shelf the spine of Trouble is my Business by Raymond Chandler is looking appealing. But I'm going to go for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The motivation is that like a lot of books that have been turned into films I haven't read the orignial and wanted to read the book. There are quite a few books that fall into that category including the likes of Moby Dick and a couple of the Jane Austen's - it might make quite a good reading challenge to read filmed books - but I'll just stick to Alice for now.
Anyway that's next week in theory...