Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Lunchtime read: The Plato Papers - post II

Plato starts to weave his way through more of the history of our age as he explains to his audience how primitive we all were.

Bullet points between pages 30 – 52

* The main way you discover what Plato is thinking is through a dialogue he has with his soul which reveals that he was chosen to be the orator on history because he had the ability to make people feel comfortable with the past

* Most of the interest in the past has to be substantiated with supporting discoveries so he tells the story of Orpheus and his trip into Hades and mentions that some of the remains of Hades have been found

* Plato then tells of the end of the Mouldwarp era as they discovered that the night sky was a creation of their own perception and the people panicked and smashed up the machines that underpinned the system

* But you sense Plato has doubts about his version of the past because he asks his soul if the versions of history he has been sharing are correct

More tomorrow…